"For every good and perfect gift comes from Heaven..." James 1:17

Josh Tree, Incorporated is designated by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 organization. We are a Texas Non-Profit company. We have no paid employees. All of your donations go directly to families who need it and our very small operating costs.
You can make a one-time donation or an ongoing gift at the link below. Your donations are tax deductible.
Your prayer and donations can make a crushing situation more survivable. It's a way to wrap your arms around a family who really need it.
Thank you for considering us.
Our story is this...there were many people to reached out and helped us when we needed it the most.
Families of children with serious illness can feel alone. Often-times, they are suddenly ripped from their normal life and faced with harsh realities. Even so, responsibilities continue as they deal with these new realities. Some of the challenges are:
Switching off so one parent can be with the child in the hospital and the other can be at home taking care of siblings, pets, job, etc.
Frequent trips back and forth to hospital along with costs
Sleeping in PICU or NICU waiting rooms on recliners, etc
Single parents are really pressed...especially if there are siblings
Resiliency issues, relationship issues....the stress and pressure of having a seriously ill child drains your resiliency tanks quickly!
Cost shares, co pays, etc