"For every good and perfect gift comes from Heaven..." James 1:17

Two weeks before Josh, our first child, was due; he was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome in London, UK. The USAF whisked us to America where he was born at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Josh was the first person who ever had a stent placed in his PDA to allow him to survive until transplant
​At 2 months of age, we were sent to Texas Children's Hospital, Houston to await transplant. Some kind family, in what we imagine was their toughest moment, chose to give life to Joshua. His post transplant road was very rocky...he remained in NICU for 5 months after transplant. If we didn't have the support of our family, friends, USAF and charities in Houston, we don't know how we'd have done it.​

Josh has a younger brother and sister. They were always so great with him and they enjoyed playing with Josh and making him laugh. There were many times over the years that they had to put their own needs aside as the family took care of Josh. I never heard them complain about that. Because the future was so uncertain, we took a lot of vacations as a family. Josh had a Disney wish from Make A Wish, we often went to the beach, visited family both here in the US and in the UK.

We were blessed to have almost 18 years with Joshua. ​​God was always faithful as we endured many low times and enjoy many great times! Josh was blessed with awesome family, friends, church, neighbors, school, and medical providers. Through his short life, we learned much about love and faith. In fact, we couldn't have made it through the tough times without that love and faith.
Thank you for taking the time to look at a few pics and get to know Josh a little bit. We are thankful for the opportunity this non-profit organization and the work we plan to do will give us to share his story and hopefully help others grow in their faith and love.